Notes from trip.
- Rain, fog. Football team lost to Georgia Tech after winning 6 in a row.
- Monk House - Slowly collapsing, winter's coming. No trespassing signs are new, more lonely than usual.
- Crawfordville - Jesus Saves mural still there, fighting the elements.
- Camak - Fog, passing intermodal train, white car, mansion, more fog.
- GA80 - Nightfall, pouring rain and J.J. Cale. 18 wheelers in gravel lot illuminated by street light. Southern rail cars through head lights.
- Bartow - Antebellum lit up for x-mas
- Wadley - Not photographed, old black man stepping out of club. One day I will take photographs like this.
- Scarboro - Does anyone live here? I'll be back.